Saturday, April 25, 2009


Our Easter morning was too busy to take pictures before church, which is what we usually do. Thankfully, the boys stayed clean enough to do pictures when we got home. After taking like 15, we settled on this one. Not too bad! I am resigned to the fact that I will NEVER get my idea of a perfect picture with four little boys. Sigh!


It was a nice day to be outside in the water.

Nathan's Success - Two-wheeling!!

Nathan is pretty dang coordinated, so it wasn't too surprising that he caught on to riding a bike fairly quickly. My mom taught Jacob to ride a bike when he was five, too. Thank goodness she is willing to do things like that, because I just don't have the patience for the all of 15 minutes it took! Moms are the best!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Breinholt Boys
A miracle, all clean, all happy and looking at the camera. We are having our picture with Santa today. I bet we won't all be clean, happy and looking at the camera. Can't have two miracles in a row.

Friday, November 7, 2008

2008 Halloween with the Breinholts

The three big boys carving in their pj's with Travis with the Phoenix Suns game on in the background. I am going to remember this; men can multitask if it is something they want to do!!!

Jacob is a Zombie Skeleton, Nathan is a Mummy, Zachary is Frankenstein's Monster and Caleb is a sweet little Frog,

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Jacob's Baptism and Isabel's Baptism - 8 Year Old Cousins

When Jacob and Isabel were tiny we wondered if they would ever get along. They are best of friends now. Even though Jacob is in Arizona and Isabel is in Utah they have many opportunities during the year to get together and they love it.

Jacob's Baptism ******************** Isabel's Baptism

Jacob and Isabel Together

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Our entire Mark E Peterson family went to Florida for 10 days, all eighteen of us. What a whirlwind trip it was. According to my father and all of his daughters you can never get too much Disney. We did all of the parks and had a wonderfully exhausting time!